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Our Story

Marion County Reentry Coalition (MCRC) is a coalition of organizations and individuals who serve people re-entering the community after incarceration. We work to redesign the system and create opportunities for providers to align their resources, collaborate, and share best practices to enhance services for re-entrants in Indianapolis.

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The Leadership in Action Program (LAP) was established, which would later become the Marion County Reentry Coalition (MCRC).

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The Leadership in Action Program transitioned to the Marion County Reentry Coalition (MCRC).


City-county Council Reentry Task Force developed 26 recommendations related to reentry, appointing the MCRC as the agency responsible moving forward.

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MCRC recruited private sector employers to Ban the Box.

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MCRC hosted its first Annual Conference.

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The MCRC facilitated The Bail Project to open an Indianapolis Office.

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MCRC hosted JustLeadership USA to conduct an Emerging Leaders training for people who have been impacted by the criminal justice system.

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MCRC partnered with Councilwoman LaKeisha Jackson and the Community Affairs Committee to create and distribute reentry packets to people exiting the Marion County Jail.

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Due to the pandemic, the MCRC pivoted from providing an in-person annual conference to creating and hosting free webinar events for the general public.

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The MCRC worked with Marion County Community Corrections to have all client fees waived for three months during the height of the pandemic.

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The Reentry ECHO was launched.

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IHA allocated the Housing Work Group with 50 Emergency Housing Vouchers for people who have exited incarceration. 

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MCRC received a Catalyst Grant to support the pilot of a Wholistic Defense System in Marion County.

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MCRC partnered with PACE to implement a BJA Second Chance Act Grant focused on successful reentry.

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